RegenTalks Winter Season 2022


Winter Season 2022


International Speakers


Scientific Theme


Scientific Lectures

Following on the successful past two webinars seasons in 2020 & 2021, the Biobridge Foundation is exited to present a brand new program of weekly webinars, focused on various therapeutic areas in regenerative medicine. 

Topics will include dermal, orthopedic, and urogenital subjects from near-mature treatments like knee osteoarthritis, to up-trending topics, such as post-menopausal woman sexual health and male erectile dysfunction. 

The New 2022 Interactive Program will host Medical Doctors and Researchers, Para Medical Professionals and Affiliated Professionals. 

By including paramedical and non-medical professional to the event concept and panel the sessions will be more interactive and will be opened to new interest groups.

Re-live the Webinar


#1 | 24.01.2022

For the first webinar of the Biobridge winter season, we were fortunate to have Professor Armin Keshmiri, discussing pain related to osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders, such as tendinopathies.

#2 | 31.01.2022

We were fortunate to have 3 leading figures of the aesthetics world discussing “Medical & Surgical Aesthetics are for Men”. Dr. Sandrine Grept-Locher, Professor Barbara Hersant and Antonia Mariconda, discussed the trends and increasing demands amongst Men for medical and surgical aesthetics.

#3 | 07.02.2022

For the third webinar of the Biobridge winter season, we were fortunate to have Professor Armin Keshmiri and Mr Bilal Barkatali in a clinical case battle on Knee musculoskeletal disorders.

#4 | 14.02.2022

We were fortunate to have 3 leading figures of the aesthetics world discussingthe hot topic of Female hair loss. Dr Bruce Reith and Dr Neil Sadick along with Ms Antonia Mariconda considered the social trends, causes and treatment options specifically for Androgenic Alopecia

#5 | 21.02.2022

For the fifth webinar of the Biobridge winter season, we were fortunate to have Professor Armin Keshmiri discussing knee osteoarthritis post PRP-HA treatments.

#6 | 28.02.2022

We were fortunate to have 3 specialists of gynaecological ailments. Dr. Ksenija Selih-Martinec, Dr Agnieszka Nalewczynska along with Ms Antonia Mariconda considered the social trends, causes and treatment options specifically for a good sexual health after menopause

#7 | 07.03.2022

For the seventh webinar of the Biobridge winter-season, we were fortunate to have two surgeons, Prof. Giuseppe Filiberto Serraino and Dr. Ali Modaressi, discussing the value of PRP in surgery and the healing process.

#8 | 14.03.2022

We were fortunate to have Dr. Sebastien Beley, Urology Surgeon, along with Ms Antonia Mariconda, considering the social trends, causes and treatment options specifically for Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction